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Benefits of Custard Apple

Scheda Prodotto da: Amazon.it

Codice prodotto: B00M2OF4MQ

Categoria: App

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Altre informazioni

  • Custard apple, is a common name for a fruit, and the tree which bears it, Annona reticulata.
  • Custard apple may also refer to similar fruits produced by related trees:
  • Annonaceae, the custard apple or soursop family.
  • Annona cherimola, a tree and fruit also called cherimoya.
  • Annona squamosa, a tree and fruit also called sugar apple or sweetsop
  • Annona senegalensis, a tree and fruit called wild custard-apple
  • Casimiroa edulis, also called white sapote, a fruit related to the citrus.

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